DISPLACED: IMAGES FREED BY PROJECTION – Part of Counterpoint Arts Exhibition at Shoreditch Town Hall, London. From June 16th to 21s


To install oneself in the past in order to form a living connection between the knowledge and the resistance, the representation and the blockage’ (G. Deleuze)

An installation with images, recordings and projection offer testimonial evidence of historical displacement across Europe. The work included addresses key places where refugees found shelter offered by mountain people who risked their lives for them, contrasting with the projected images of mines where they also found shelter when crossing the Pyrenees mountains in 1940. The recording includes voices of individuals who gave evidence of their families’ displacement across Europe. The documentation in this installation is fictional but key testimonial details point to real evidence. LEST WE FORGET, IMAGES ARE SEIZED AND ACTUALISED!  Artist: Josepa Munoz.


As part of counterpointsarts.org.uk
